
For notation purposes, we will refer to the python library of N2D2 as n2d2. This library uses the core function of N2D2 and add an extra layer of abstraction to make the experience more user friendly. With the library you can import data, pre-process them, create a deep neural network model, train it and realize inference with it. You can also import a network using the ini file configuration or the ONNX library.

Here are the functionalities available with the Python API :



Python API Only

Import a network from an INI file


Import a network from an ONNX file


Build a network with the API


Load and apply transformation to a dataset


Train a network


Flexible definition of the computation graph



Test a network with the N2D2 analysis tools


Torch interoperability



Keras interoperability



Multi GPU support


Exporting network


Installation of the virtual environment

To run the python API, it’s good practice to use python 3.7 or a newer version in a virtual environment.
To set up your environment, please follow these steps:
# Create your python virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3.7 env

# Activate the virtual environment
source env/bin/activate

# Check versions
python --version
pip --version

# To leave the virtual environment

If everything went well, you should have the version 3.7 of python.

Installation of the Python API

There are multiple methods to install the python API on your device.
Feel free to use the method of your choice.

With the Python Package Index (Py Pi)


This method is not supported anymore, we are working on it !

You can have access to the last stable version of the python API by using pip and importing the package n2d2.

pip install n2d2

From the N2D2 Github repository

You can have access to the developer version by importing the API from the N2D2 Github repository via pip.

pip install git+

If you have already cloned the Github repository

You can still build the python API with a cloned N2D2 repository. Go at the root of the N2D2 projet and follow the following steps (don’t forget to activate your virtual environment before).

# Build the N2D2 library
python bdist_wheel

# Install the n2d2 python packages in your virtual environment
pip install .

Installation for developer

If you want to install n2d2 as seomeone who wants to contribute to n2d2, we recommand the following setup :

Inside your n2d2 project, create a build folder and compile N2D2 inside it :

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j 8

Once this is done, you have generated the shared object : lib/n2d2.*.so.

You can add the generated lib folder and the python source in your PYTHONPATH with the command :



Add this line in your bashrc to always have a good PYTHONPATH setup !

To check if your PYTHONPATH works properly you can try to import N2D2 (verify that the compilation went well) and then n2d2 (verify that your PYTHONPATH point the n2d2 python API).

Frequent issues

Module not found N2D2

If when you import n2d2 you get this error :

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'N2D2'

This is likely due to your python version not matching with the one used to compile N2D2.

You can find in your site-packages (or in your build/lib if you have compiled N2D2 with CMake) a .so file named like this :

This file name indicates the python version used to compile N2D2, in this example 3.7.

You should either make sure to use a virtualenv with the right python version or check the bellow section.

N2D2 doesn’t compile with the right version of Python

When compiling N2D2 you can use an argument to specify the python version you want to compile N2D2 for.

cmake -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=<path_to_python_binary> <path_to_n2d2_cmakefile>


On linux you can use $(which python) to use your default python binary.

You can then check the version of python on the shared object in build/lib.

For example, this shared object have been compiled for python3.7.

Lib not found when compiling

If CMake fails to find lib files when compiling, this may be due to the absence of the dependency python3-dev.

When generating a new virtualenv after installing the dependency, you should see include/python3.7m inside the generated folder.

If not, you may need to reboot in order to update system variables.

Test of the Python API

Whatever the method you chose, it should compile the n2d2 libraries and add them to your virtual environnement.

You can test it by trying to import n2d2 in your python interpreter :

>>> import n2d2
>>> print(n2d2.Tensor([2,3]))
0 0 0
0 0 0
], device=cpu, datatype=float)
>>> exit()

You can find more examples in the Python API section if you want to test every feature.

It might be possible you could find some issues by using the API.
So please notify us at if you find any problem or any possible improvement.

Default values

The python API used default values that you can modify at any time in your scripts.

List of modifiable parameters

Here we will list parameters which can be directly modified in your script.

Default parameters



If you have compiled N2D2 with CUDA, you can use Frame_CUDA, default= Frame


Datatype of the layer of the neural network. Can be double or float, default= float

Important : This variable doesn’t affect the data type of n2d2.Tensor objects.


Level of verbosity, can be n2d2.global_variables.Verbosity.graph_only, n2d2.global_variables.Verbosity.short or n2d2.global_variables.Verbosity.detailed, default= n2d2.global_variables.Verbosity.detailed


Seed used to generate random numbers(0 = time based), default = 0


Device to use for GPU computation with CUDA, you can enable multi GPU by giving a tuple of device, default = 0


n2d2.global_variables.default_model = "Frame_CUDA"

n2d2.global_variables.default_datatype = "double"

n2d2.global_variables.verbosity = n2d2.global_variables.Verbosity.graph_only

n2d2.global_variables.seed = 1

n2d2.global_variables.cuda_device = 1
# Multi GPU example :
n2d2.global_variables.cuda_device = 0, 1