Data augmentation ================= In this example, we will see how to use :py:class:`n2d2.provider.DataProvider` and :py:class:`n2d2.transform.Transformation` to load data and do some data augmentation. You can find the full python script here :download:``. Preliminary ----------- For this tutorial, we will use n2d2 for data augmentation, and numpy and matplotlib for the visualization. We will create a method plot_tensor to save the generated images from an :py:class:`n2d2.Tensor` .. code-block:: import n2d2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot_tensor(tensor, path): plt.imshow(tensor[0,0,:], cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=255) plt.savefig(path) Loading data ------------ We will begin by creating a :py:class:`n2d2.database.MNIST` driver to load the MNIST dataset. We will then create a provider to get the images, we use a batch size of 1 to get only one image. .. code-block:: database = n2d2.database.MNIST(data_path="/local/DATABASE/mnist", validation=0.1) provider = n2d2.provider.DataProvider(database, [28, 28, 1], batch_size=1) You can get the number of data per partition by using the method :py:meth:`n2d2.database.Database.get_partition_summary` which will print the paritionement of data. .. code-block:: database.get_partition_summary() **Output :** .. testoutput:: Number of stimuli : 70000 Learn : 54000 stimuli (77.14%) Test : 10000 stimuli (14.29%) Validation : 6000 stimuli (8.57%) Unpartitioned : 0 stimuli (0.0%) To select which partition you want to read from you need to use the method :py:meth:`n2d2.provider.DataProvider.set_partition` To read data from a :py:class:`n2d2.provider.DataProvider` you can use multiple methods. You can use the methods :py:meth:`n2d2.provider.DataProvider.read_batch` or :py:meth:`n2d2.provider.DataProvider.read_random_batch`. .. note:: Since :py:class:`n2d2.provider.DataProvider` is an `iterable`, so you can use the ``next()`` function or a for loop ! .. code-block:: # for loop example for data in provider: pass # next example data = next(provider) For this tutorial we will use :py:meth:`n2d2.provider.DataProvider.read_batch` ! With this code we will get the first image and plot it : .. code-block:: image = provider.read_batch(idx=0).to_numpy() * 255 plot_tensor(image, "first_stimuli.png") .. figure:: /_static/first_stimuli.png :alt: First stimuli of the MNIST dataset. Data augmentation ----------------- To do data augmentation with N2D2 we use :py:class:`n2d2.transform.Transformation`. You can add transformation to provider with the method :py:meth:`n2d2.provider.DataProvider.add_on_the_fly_transformation` and :py:meth:`n2d2.provider.DataProvider.add_transformation`. .. warning:: Since we already loaded the first image the method :py:meth:`n2d2.provider.DataProvider.add_transformation` would not apply the transformation to the image. By using the transformation :py:class:`n2d2.transform.Flip` we will flip vertically our image. .. code-block:: provider.add_on_the_fly_transformation(n2d2.transform.Flip(vertical_flip=True)) image = provider.read_batch(idx=0).to_numpy() * 255 plot_tensor(image, "first_stimuli_fliped.png") .. figure:: /_static/first_stimuli_fliped.png :alt: First stimuli of the MNIST dataset but flipped. We will negate the first transformation with another :py:class:`n2d2.transform.Flip` which we will add with the method :py:meth:`n2d2.provider.DataProvider.add_transformation`. .. code-block:: # negating the first transformation with another one provider.add_transformation(n2d2.transform.Flip(vertical_flip=True)) image = provider.read_batch(idx=1).to_numpy() * 255 plot_tensor(image, "second_stimuli.png") .. figure:: /_static/second_stimuli.png :alt: Second stimuli of the MNIST dataset. Getting labels -------------- To get the labels .. code-block:: print("Second stimuli label : ", provider.get_labels()[0]) **Output :** .. testoutput:: Second stimuli label : 5