Tutorials ========= Learning deep neural networks: tips and tricks ---------------------------------------------- Choose the learning solver ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Generally, you should use the SGD solver with a momemtum (typical value for the momentum: 0.9). It generalizes better, often significantly better, than adaptive methods like Adam :cite:`2017arXiv170508292W`. Adaptive solvers, like Adam, may be used for fast exploration and prototyping, thanks to their fast convergence. Choose the learning hyper-parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can use the ``-find-lr`` option available in the ``n2d2`` executable to automatically find the best learning rate for a given neural network. Usage example: :: ./n2d2 model.ini -find-lr 10000 This command starts from a very low learning rate (1.0e-6) and increase it exponentially to reach the maximum value (10.0) after 10000 steps, as shown in figure [fig:findLrRange]. The loss change during this phase is then plotted in function of the learning rate, as shown in figure [fig:findLr]. .. figure:: ../_static/find_lr-range.png :alt: Exponential increase of the learning rate over the specified number of iterations, equals to the number of steps divided by the batch size (here: 24). Exponential increase of the learning rate over the specified number of iterations, equals to the number of steps divided by the batch size (here: 24). .. figure:: ../_static/find_lr.png :alt: Loss change as a function of the learning rate. Loss change as a function of the learning rate. Note that in N2D2, the learning rate is automatically normalized by the global batch size (:math:`N \times \text{\lstinline!IterationSize!}`) for the ``SGDSolver``. A simple linear scaling rule is used, as recommanded in :cite:`DBLP:journals/corr/GoyalDGNWKTJH17`. The effective learning rate :math:`\alpha_{\text{eff}}` applied for parameters update is therefore: .. math:: \alpha_{\text{eff}} = \frac{\alpha}{N \times \text{\lstinline!IterationSize!}} \text{ with $\alpha$ = \lstinline!LearningRate!} Typical values for the ``SGDSolver`` are: :: Solvers.LearningRate=0.01 Solvers.Decay=0.0001 Solvers.Momentum=0.9 Convergence and normalization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deep networks (> 30 layers) and especially residual networks usually don’t converge without normalization. Indeed, batch normalization is almost always used. *ZeroInit* is a method that can be used to overcome this issue without normalization :cite:`zhang2018residual`. Building a classifier neural network ------------------------------------ For this tutorial, we will use the classical MNIST handwritten digit dataset. A driver module already exists for this dataset, named ``MNIST_IDX_Database``. To instantiate it, just add the following lines in a new INI file: .. code-block:: ini [database] Type=MNIST_IDX_Database Validation=0.2 ; Use 20\% of the dataset for validation In order to create a neural network, we first need to define its input, which is declared with a ``[sp]`` section (*sp* for *StimuliProvider*). In this section, we configure the size of the input and the batch size: .. code-block:: ini [sp] SizeX=32 SizeY=32 BatchSize=128 We can also add pre-processing transformations to the *StimuliProvider*, knowing that the final data size after transformations must match the size declared in the ``[sp]`` section. Here, we must rescale the MNIST 28x28 images to match the 32x32 network input size. .. code-block:: ini [sp.Transformation_1] Type=RescaleTransformation Width=[sp]SizeX Height=[sp]SizeY Next, we declare the neural network layers. In this example, we reproduced the well-known LeNet network. The first layer is a 5x5 convolutional layer, with 6 channels. Since there is only one input channel, there will be only 6 convolution kernels in this layer. .. code-block:: ini [conv1] Input=sp Type=Conv KernelWidth=5 KernelHeight=5 NbOutputs=6 The next layer is a 2x2 MAX pooling layer, with a stride of 2 (non-overlapping MAX pooling). .. code-block:: ini [pool1] Input=conv1 Type=Pool PoolWidth=2 PoolHeight=2 NbOutputs=[conv1]NbOutputs Stride=2 Pooling=Max Mapping.Size=1 ; One to one connection between input and output channels The next layer is a 5x5 convolutional layer with 16 channels. .. code-block:: ini [conv2] Input=pool1 Type=Conv KernelWidth=5 KernelHeight=5 NbOutputs=16 Note that in LeNet, the ``[conv2]`` layer is not fully connected to the pooling layer. In N2D2, a custom mapping can be defined for each input connection. The connection of :math:`n`-th output map to the inputs is defined by the :math:`n`-th column of the matrix below, where the rows correspond to the inputs. .. code-block:: ini Mapping(pool1)=\ 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 \ 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 \ 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 \ 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 \ 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 \ 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Another MAX pooling and convolution layer follow: .. code-block:: ini [pool2] Input=conv2 Type=Pool PoolWidth=2 PoolHeight=2 NbOutputs=[conv2]NbOutputs Stride=2 Pooling=Max Mapping.Size=1 [conv3] Input=pool2 Type=Conv KernelWidth=5 KernelHeight=5 NbOutputs=120 The network is composed of two fully-connected layers of 84 and 10 neurons respectively: .. code-block:: ini [fc1] Input=conv3 Type=Fc NbOutputs=84 [fc2] Input=fc1 Type=Fc NbOutputs=10 Finally, we use a softmax layer to obtain output classification probabilities and compute the loss function. .. code-block:: ini [softmax] Input=fc2 Type=Softmax NbOutputs=[fc2]NbOutputs WithLoss=1 In order to tell N2D2 to compute the error and the classification score on this softmax layer, one must attach a N2D2 *Target* to this layer, with a section with the same name suffixed with ``.Target``: .. code-block:: ini [softmax.Target] By default, the activation function for the convolution and the fully-connected layers is the hyperbolic tangent. Because the ``[fc2]`` layer is fed to a softmax, it should not have any activation function. We can specify it by adding the following line in the ``[fc2]`` section: .. code-block:: ini [fc2] ... ActivationFunction=Linear In order to improve further the networks performances, several things can be done: **Use ReLU activation functions.** In order to do so, just add the following in the ``[conv1]``, ``[conv2]``, ``[conv3]`` and ``[fc1]`` layer sections: .. code-block:: ini ActivationFunction=Rectifier For the ReLU activation function to be effective, the weights must be initialized carefully, in order to avoid dead units that would be stuck in the :math:`]-\infty,0]` output range before the ReLU function. In N2D2, one can use a custom ``WeightsFiller`` for the weights initialization. For the ReLU activation function, a popular and efficient filler is the so-called ``XavierFiller`` (see the [par:XavierFiller] section for more information): .. code-block:: ini WeightsFiller=XavierFiller **Use dropout layers.** Dropout is highly effective to improve the network generalization capacity. Here is an example of a dropout layer inserted between the ``[fc1]`` and ``[fc2]`` layers: .. code-block:: ini [fc1] ... [fc1.drop] Input=fc1 Type=Dropout NbOutputs=[fc1]NbOutputs [fc2] Input=fc1.drop ; Replaces "Input=fc1" ... **Tune the learning parameters.** You may want to tune the learning rate and other learning parameters depending on the learning problem at hand. In order to do so, you can add a configuration section that can be common (or not) to all the layers. Here is an example of configuration section: .. code-block:: ini [conv1] ... ConfigSection=common.config [...] ... [common.config] NoBias=1 WeightsSolver.LearningRate=0.05 WeightsSolver.Decay=0.0005 Solvers.LearningRatePolicy=StepDecay Solvers.LearningRateStepSize=[sp]_EpochSize Solvers.LearningRateDecay=0.993 Solvers.Clamping=-1.0:1.0 For more details on the configuration parameters for the ``Solver``, see section [sec:WeightSolvers]. **Add input distortion.** See for example the ``DistortionTransformation`` (section [par:DistortionTransformation]). The complete INI model corresponding to this tutorial can be found in *models/LeNet.ini*. In order to use CUDA/GPU accelerated learning, the default layer model should be switched to ``Frame_CUDA``. You can enable this model by adding the following line at the top of the INI file (before the first section): .. code-block:: ini DefaultModel=Frame_CUDA Building a segmentation neural network -------------------------------------- In this tutorial, we will learn how to do image segmentation with N2D2. As an example, we will implement a face detection and gender recognition neural network, using the IMDB-WIKI dataset. First, we need to instanciate the IMDB-WIKI dataset built-in N2D2 driver: .. code-block:: ini [database] Type=IMDBWIKI_Database WikiSet=1 ; Use the WIKI part of the dataset IMDBSet=0 ; Don't use the IMDB part (less accurate annotation) Learn=0.90 Validation=0.05 DefaultLabel=background ; Label for pixels outside any ROI (default is no label, pixels are ignored) We must specify a default label for the background, because we want to learn to differenciate faces from the background (and not simply ignore the background for the learning). The network input is then declared: .. code-block:: ini [sp] SizeX=480 SizeY=360 BatchSize=48 CompositeStimuli=1 In order to work with segmented data, i.e. data with bounding box annotations or pixel-wise annotations (as opposed to a single label per data), one must enable the ``CompositeStimuli`` option in the ``[sp]`` section. We can then perform various operations on the data before feeding it to the network, like for example converting the 3-channels RGB input images to single-channel gray images: .. code-block:: ini [sp.Transformation-1] Type=ChannelExtractionTransformation CSChannel=Gray We must only rescale the images to match the networks input size. This can be done using a ``RescaleTransformation``, followed by a ``PadCropTransformation`` if one want to keep the images aspect ratio. .. code-block:: ini [sp.Transformation-2] Type=RescaleTransformation Width=[sp]SizeX Height=[sp]SizeY KeepAspectRatio=1 ; Keep images aspect ratio ; Required to ensure all the images are the same size [sp.Transformation-3] Type=PadCropTransformation Width=[sp]SizeX Height=[sp]SizeY A common additional operation to extend the learning set is to apply random horizontal mirror to images. This can be achieved with the following ``FlipTransformation``: .. code-block:: ini [sp.OnTheFlyTransformation-4] Type=FlipTransformation RandomHorizontalFlip=1 ApplyTo=LearnOnly ; Apply this transformation only on the learning set Note that this is an *on-the-fly* transformation, meaning it cannot be cached and is re-executed every time even for the same stimuli. We also apply this transformation only on the learning set, with the ``ApplyTo`` option. Next, the neural network can be described: .. code-block:: ini [conv1.1] Input=sp Type=Conv ... [pool1] ... [...] ... [fc2] Input=drop1 Type=Conv ... [drop2] Input=fc2 Type=Dropout NbOutputs=[fc2]NbOutputs A full network description can be found in the *IMDBWIKI.ini* file in the *models* directory of N2D2. It is a fully-CNN network. Here we will focus on the output layers required to detect the faces and classify their gender. We start from the ``[drop2]`` layer, which has 128 channels of size 60x45. Faces detection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We want to first add an output stage for the faces detection. It is a 1x1 convolutional layer with a single 60x45 output map. For each output pixel, this layer outputs the probability that the pixel belongs to a face. .. code-block:: ini [fc3.face] Input=drop2 Type=Conv KernelWidth=1 KernelHeight=1 NbOutputs=1 Stride=1 ActivationFunction=LogisticWithLoss WeightsFiller=XavierFiller ConfigSection=common.config ; Same solver options that the other layers In order to do so, the activation function of this layer must be of type ``LogisticWithLoss``. We must also tell N2D2 to compute the error and the classification score on this softmax layer, by attaching a N2D2 *Target* to this layer, with a section with the same name suffixed with ``.Target``: .. code-block:: ini [fc3.face.Target] LabelsMapping=\${N2D2_MODELS}/IMDBWIKI_target_face.dat ; Visualization parameters NoDisplayLabel=0 LabelsHueOffset=90 In this *Target*, we must specify how the dataset annotations are mapped to the layer’s output. This can be done in a separate file using the ``LabelsMapping`` parameter. Here, since the output layer has a single output per pixel, the target value can only be 0 or 1. A target value of -1 means that this output is ignored (no error back-propagated). Since the only annotations in the IMDB-WIKI dataset are faces, the mapping described in the *IMDBWIKI\_target\_face.dat* file is easy: :: # background background 0 # padding (*) is ignored (-1) * -1 # not background = face default 1 Gender recognition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We can also add a second output stage for gender recognition. Like before, it would be a 1x1 convolutional layer with a single 60x45 output map. But here, for each output pixel, this layer would output the probability that the pixel represents a female face. .. code-block:: ini [fc3.gender] Input=drop2 Type=Conv KernelWidth=1 KernelHeight=1 NbOutputs=1 Stride=1 ActivationFunction=LogisticWithLoss WeightsFiller=XavierFiller ConfigSection=common.config The output layer is therefore identical to the face’s output layer, but the target mapping is different. For the target mapping, the idea is simply to ignore all pixels not belonging to a face and affect the target 0 to male pixels and the target 1 to female pixels. .. code-block:: ini [fc3.gender.Target] LabelsMapping=\${N2D2_MODELS}/IMDBWIKI_target_gender.dat ; Only display gender probability for pixels detected as face pixels MaskLabelTarget=fc3.face.Target MaskedLabel=1 The content of the *IMDBWIKI\_target\_gender.dat* file would therefore look like: :: # background # ?-* (unknown gender) # padding default -1 # male gender M-? 0 # unknown age M-0 0 M-1 0 M-2 0 ... M-98 0 M-99 0 # female gender F-? 1 # unknown age F-0 1 F-1 1 F-2 1 ... F-98 1 F-99 1 ROIs extraction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next step would be to extract detected face ROIs and assign for each ROI the most probable gender. To this end, we can first set a detection threshold, in terms of probability, to select face pixels. In the following, the threshold is fixed to 75% face probability: .. code-block:: ini [post.Transformation-thres] Input=fc3.face Type=Transformation NbOutputs=1 Transformation=ThresholdTransformation Operation=ToZero Threshold=0.75 We can then assign a target of type ``TargetROIs`` to this layer that will automatically create the bounding box using a segmentation algorithm. .. code-block:: ini [post.Transformation-thres.Target-face] Type=TargetROIs MinOverlap=0.33 ; Min. overlap fraction to match the ROI to an annotation FilterMinWidth=5 ; Min. ROI width FilterMinHeight=5 ; Min. ROI height FilterMinAspectRatio=0.5 ; Min. ROI aspect ratio FilterMaxAspectRatio=1.5 ; Max. ROI aspect ratio LabelsMapping=\${N2D2_MODELS}/IMDBWIKI_target_face.dat In order to assign a gender to the extracted ROIs, the above target must be modified to: .. code-block:: ini [post.Transformation-thres.Target-gender] Type=TargetROIs ROIsLabelTarget=fc3.gender.Target MinOverlap=0.33 FilterMinWidth=5 FilterMinHeight=5 FilterMinAspectRatio=0.5 FilterMaxAspectRatio=1.5 LabelsMapping=\${N2D2_MODELS}/IMDBWIKI_target_gender.dat Here, we use the ``fc3.gender.Target`` target to determine the most probable gender of the ROI. Data visualization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For each *Target* in the network, a corresponding folder is created in the simulation directory, which contains learning, validation and test confusion matrixes. The output estimation of the network for each stimulus is also generated automatically for the test dataset and can be visualized with the *./test.py* helper tool. An example is shown in figure [fig:targetvisu]. .. figure:: ../_static/target_visu.png :alt: Example of the target visualization helper tool. Example of the target visualization helper tool. Transcoding a learned network in spike-coding --------------------------------------------- N2D2 embeds an event-based simulator (historically known as ’Xnet’) and allows to transcode a whole DNN in a spike-coding version and evaluate the resulting spiking neural network performances. In this tutorial, we will transcode the LeNet network described in section [sec:BuildingClassifierNN]. Render the network compatible with spike simulations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first step is to specify that we want to use a transcode model (allowing both formal and spike simulation of the same network), by changing the ``DefaultModel`` to: .. code-block:: ini DefaultModel=Transcode_CUDA In order to perform spike simulations, the input of the network must be of type *Environment*, which is a derived class of *StimuliProvider* that adds spike coding support. In the INI model file, it is therefore necessary to replace the ``[sp]`` section by an ``[env]`` section and replace all references of ``sp`` to ``env``. Note that these changes have at this point no impact at all on the formal coding simulations. The beginning of the INI file should be: .. code-block:: ini DefaultModel=!\color{red}{Transcode\_CUDA}! ; Database [database] Type=MNIST_IDX_Database Validation=0.2 ; Use 20% of the dataset for validation ; Environment [!\color{red}{env}!] SizeX=32 SizeY=32 BatchSize=128 [env.Transformation_1] Type=RescaleTransformation Width=[!\color{red}{env}!]SizeX Height=[!\color{red}{env}!]SizeY [conv1] Input=!\color{red}{env}! ... The dropout layer has no equivalence in spike-coding inference and must be removed: .. code-block:: ini ... !\color{red}{\st{[fc1.drop]}}! !\color{red}{\st{Input=fc1}}! !\color{red}{\st{Type=Dropout}}! !\color{red}{\st{NbOutputs=[fc1]NbOutputs}}! [fc2] Input=fc1!\color{red}{\st{.drop}}! ... The softmax layer has no equivalence in spike-coding inference and must be removed as well. The *Target* must therefore be attached to ``[fc2]``: .. code-block:: ini ... !\color{red}{\st{[softmax]}}! !\color{red}{\st{Input=fc2}}! !\color{red}{\st{Type=Softmax}}! !\color{red}{\st{NbOutputs=[fc2]NbOutputs}}! !\color{red}{\st{WithLoss=1}}! !\color{red}{\st{[softmax.Target]}}! [fc2.Target] ... The network is now compatible with spike-coding simulations. However, we did not specify at this point how to translate the input stimuli data into spikes, nor the spiking neuron parameters (threshold value, leak time constant...). Configure spike-coding parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first step is to configure how the input stimuli data must be coded into spikes. To this end, we must attach a configuration section to the *Environment*. Here, we specify a periodic coding with random initial jitter with a minimum period of 10 ns and a maximum period of 100 us: .. code-block:: ini ... ConfigSection=env.config [env.config] ; Spike-based computing StimulusType=JitteredPeriodic PeriodMin=1,000,000 ; unit = fs PeriodMeanMin=10,000,000 ; unit = fs PeriodMeanMax=100,000,000,000 ; unit = fs PeriodRelStdDev=0.0 The next step is to specify the neurons parameters, that will be common to all layers and can therefore be specified in the ``[common.config]`` section. In N2D2, the base spike-coding layers use a Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) neuron model. By default, the leak time constant is zero, resulting to simple Integrate-and-Fire (IF) neurons. Here we simply specify that the neurons threshold must be the unity, that the threshold is only positive and that there is no incoming synaptic delay: .. code-block:: ini ... ; Spike-based computing Threshold=1.0 BipolarThreshold=0 IncomingDelay=0 Finally, we can limit the number of spikes required for the computation of each stimulus by adding a decision delta threshold at the output layer: .. code-block:: ini ... ConfigSection=common.config,fc2.config [fc2.Target] [fc2.config] ; Spike-based computing TerminateDelta=4 BipolarThreshold=1 The complete INI model corresponding to this tutorial can be found in *models/LeNet\_Spike.ini*. Here is a summary of the steps required to reproduce the whole experiment: :: ./n2d2 "\$N2D2_MODELS/LeNet.ini" -learn 6000000 -log 100000 ./n2d2 "\$N2D2_MODELS/LeNet_Spike.ini" -test The final recognition rate reported at the end of the spike inference should be almost identical to the formal coding network (around 99% for the LeNet network). Various statistics are available at the end of the spike-coding simulation in the *stats\_spike* folder and the *stats\_spike.log* file. Looking in the *stats\_spike.log* file, one can read the following line towards the end of the file: :: Read events per virtual synapse per pattern (average): 0.654124 This line reports the average number of accumulation operations per synapse per input stimulus in the network. If this number if below 1.0, it means that the spiking version of the network is more efficient than its formal counterpart in terms of total number of operations!